
Treating Talent

I was once asked by a fellow MU artist why I got so much work and she didn't.....I was not frank with her when I told her I did not know......I should've told her the truth, that perhaps it was because of how rude she always was with the talent that sat in her chair. I have always taken pride in the fact that I respect what the actor/model is doing. I am the first person they deal with in production in the morning. My attitude towards them sets the mood for their whole day. I respect their job. They have to not only look good, but also act like if they feel good. The majority of people are very nervous, regardless of how much experience they have. I feel part of my job is to make them as comfortable as possible. You get what you give!!


  1. thank you! coming from someone whom has been working in front of the camera for almost 15 years, it's always a mood lifter when the crew (especially the make-up artist and wardrobe stylist, whom are both so close to the "performer") are sweet and easy to talk to. We aren't perfect and we do have our insecurities, especially when we are the center of attention and our "performance" has so be just right to make the client's happy! Thanks for writing about this! We are people too!

  2. Amen to that--it is so true! I find they just want to be treated with kindness, gentleness and respect. It's so simple :-)
